Q: What is the duration of the course & fees ?
A: Course duration & fees vary depending on the specific program. Please refer to the course page or contact us for details.
Q: Who can enrol in these courses?
A: Anyone interested in learning, pursuing a career, or taking it up as a hobby is welcome to enroll.
Q: Are there any prerequisites?
A: No, there are no prerequisites. These courses are open to everyone, regardless of prior experience.
Q: When does the next batch start?
A: These are ongoing classes. You can join any time of the year with prior appointments.
Q: Are instalment options available for payment?
A: No, full payment is required before the start of the course. It’s recommended to pay in advance to secure your booking, as slots fill up quickly.
Q: Are there any discounts available?
A: No, we do not offer any discounts.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: We accept [credit/debit cards, bank transfers, UPI, cash, etc.].
Q: Does the course fee include food and accommodation?
A: No, the course fees do not include food and accommodation. Participants are responsible for arranging their own stay and meals.
Q: Will I receive a certificate upon completion?
A: Yes, a [Certificate of Completion] is awarded upon successful completion.
Q: Is the certification recognized?
A: Our certification qualifies you to [start a practice as therapist/join as a freelancer, etc.].
Q: Is there hands-on/practical training?
A: Yes, practical sessions form an integral part of the course.
Q: Will I get to practice on dummy or real person?
A: You will get to practice on our staff.
Q: Do I need to bring any materials?
A: All materials are provided. However, [specific items like notebooks, comfortable clothing, etc.] may be required for practical sessions.
Q: What career opportunities does this course provide?
A: You can work as [freelance therapists, under clinic practitioners, wellness coaches, etc.].
Q: Will you help with job placements?
A: No. But we can assist you with referrals as and when we receive requirements from any organisation.
Q: What is the refund policy?
A: Refunds are available only up to 45 days before the course start date, minus a processing fee. No refund after that.
Q: Will I have access to the instructors?
A: Yes, you’ll have direct access to instructors during the course and via [email/WhatsApp] after the completion of course for queries.
Q: Whom can I contact for more information?
A: Reach us at [support@dhanwantriayured.in/ contact.dhanwantri@gmail.com/9820807915 / 917] for detailed information or any queries.